The Big Slump

I’m caught in a slump.

Well, it’s kind of a wave more than a slump, really. It hits you like a sudden wave of sleepiness you know you can’t fight but to let it run its course. These situations are often always recognized as problems with many posing their 5/10/however-many step solutions to rid the unfortunate of such predicaments.

I enjoy reading, and it is easy to make it into a chore with the silent, background pressure of a blog or mediums that catalogues and shares your reading experience. And I don’t want that. I wouldn’t want to chug through a book just for the sake of it, make a review of it just for the sake of reviewing without knowing whether or not I like the book and gave a solid, accurate account of that fact, or really disliked it due to my skimming of its contents due to the slump, which is unfair and avoidable.

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